Essential Readings on Plumbing and Home Maintenance

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Discovering a leak under your kitchen sink can quickly turn a good day sour. Thankfully, there’s nothing to worry about!  At Diamondback Plumbing, we’re here to guide you through the steps to ...

Published: 30 Apr 2024

Toilet leaking around the base is not a good sight, and the truth is no one wants to enter the toilets with dry footwear and come out all dampened and soaked. However, ...

Published: 03 Nov 2022

If you’ve noticed that your water bill is higher than expected, but it seems like your water usage hasn’t changed, then you likely leak somewhere on your property. Finding and fixing leaks ...

Published: 10 Aug 2022

As much as your plumbing system is not on the list of your priority costs, it is however good to pay close attention to it. This is because even the smallest pipe ...

Published: 12 Aug 2015

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